Make Your Way in Marketing/Comm

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Trend #6 Make It Stand Out.

“It was like drinking from a firehouse!”

I heard the phrase again and again in 2020. From senior professionals to coordinators—crisis communications was streaming online 24/7.

Information needed to be shared quickly and accurately. Every constituency required its own brand of messaging. No would could be left out. Facts presented in fast order often saved the day—and many organizations in the process.

In 2021, organizations will be replacing senior leadership in communications, as well as bulking up staffing in digital media, public relations, community relations and more.

We will see targeted hiring in positions such as a new director of marketing, director of digital communications, director of public/community relations, associate directors, assistant directors. And senior leadership hiring in the following functions and departments: marketing/communications, public relations, advancement, and admission.

PICTURED ABOVE: An interesting set of ideas out of the consulting firm Accenture. In fact, the idea to offer a “digital-first” program came to me after reading this fascinating book. It explores what might be possible as industries (and organizations) push technology to do more and better.


The Future is Fundraising!