7 Trends Driving Social Impact Hiring in 2021

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Trend #1 Cool in a Crisis.

In the aftermath of 2020, senior leadership in organizations across the country and around the world look to accelerate targeted hiring in 2021. After more than a year of hiring freezes and budget watchdogging, organizations are planning for growth.

 Starting at the top, many will replace retiring senior leadership across all business functions, while also filling new strategic leaderships roles as part of reorganization. The search is on for multi-skilled leaders with experience managing crisis, leaders who are nimble and focused on managing for the future. Organizations will hire managers with the strongest interpersonal skills who can help navigate staff through the new complexity of the workplace. Any senior leader preparing to launch a job search must highlight these core management skills: authenticity, empathy, coaching abilities, and organizational awareness.  

You must be able to quantify your positive impact, and explain how your past successes will translate into a new role and a new organization.  Learn more by sending us an email requesting The Hiring Report today.

PICTURED ABOVE: A classic collection of profiles (or small biographies) on some of the most remarkable artists and artistic directors (makers) in history—artists, writers, dancers, directors and more. Many of these originated in The New Yorker. Much to be learned.


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